The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has done an outstanding job of providing valuable video resources for individuals considering establishing an SMSF. We would recommend anyone considering establishing an SMSF, viewing these videos before establishing an SMSF.


SMSF – Setting up your SMSF

This short video covers some of the essential steps to establishing an SMSF. Depending on your circumstances, there might be more things you need to consider.

Why do I want an SMSF?

This is a look at the myths and facts about SMSF’s to consider before deciding to establish an SMSF.

SMSF Annual Obligations

Trustees need to make sure they meet all their SMSF obligations before lodging their fund’s annual return.

SMSF – Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangements

SMSF’s are able to borrow to invest into property, but there are certain conditions that must be met and entities that first need to be established. Speak to us if you’re considering purchasing a property and we’ll ensure your fund remains compliant.

SMSF – You can’t do it all yourself.

We understand the superannuation has many rules and regulations that need to be complied with. We surround our clients with a team of experts to ensure your fund remains compliant and your investments safe. Our team will conduct and organise for the specialty functions in this video to be completed if required, such as the Administrator, Accountant, Tax Agent, Auditor, Investment Manager, Audit, Actuary, and Valuer. We provide a complete solution so that running an SMSF becomes easy. Should you have any questions please contact our experts any time.

SMSF – What’s involved with an SMSF?

When establishing an SMSF there are many steps that need to be taken.

SMSF – Loans and early access.

Superannuation regulation strictly prohibits the lending of money from a super fund to a family member or relative. It also strictly prohibits a family member or relative using any assets (property) owned by the SMSF. Breaching these rules may result in the fund being made non-complying and the fund could lose almost half its assets in tax to the ATO, as well as the trustee being disqualified from being a trustee. If you are unsure about how an SMSF can lend money or use assets please contact us and we will be happy to assist.